Lisa Kilgour, Nutritionist

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6 Things the Dieting Industry Doesn't Want You To Know

The dieting industry is selling lies.

Sorry for starting things so abruptly, but it’s an important truth. It’s an industry that’s built on lies, and I’ll be sharing why a bit further down on this post.

Let me clarify - It’s the dieting industry that’s selling lies. The people promoting the various diets and schemes are trying to do a good thing. They're also victims of these lies.

There are a few things the dieting industry doesn’t want you to know about…but knowing them is really powerful. It lets you see through the hogwash and find the truth.

Here are a few of those glorious golden nuggets that the dieting industry would rather you didn’t know:

1. A 1200 calorie diet is enough food to feed a toddler, not an adult human being. Following one of these ultra low-calorie diets will cause mega cravings because your body thinks it’s starving.

2. Health is NOT just about weight. Holding onto some “extra” weight might not be a health issue and losing weight might not make your body healthier.

3. Depriving yourself of food causes food bingeing. You don’t need more willpower to deny your cravings, your body might like a new relationship with your favourite foods.

4. Mucking about with your macros (carbs, fats, and protein) is a way to disguise a 1200 calorie diet…a.k.a., toddler-sized portions.

5. Falling off a diet is inevitable, it’s not your fault. Diets have a 95% failure rate!

6. Dieting today is the best predictor of weight gain in the future. Dieting causes weight gain!

I have a 7th dieting industry secret and it's the most horrible and terrible one of all:

The dieting industry WANTS you to fail because it means you stay a customer. If you succeed then they can’t sell you anything more in the future.

FAILURE is a part of their business plan.

Today, if you feel ready, you can choose to stop being a customer. If today doesn’t feel right, maybe tomorrow. You’re in charge, you can decide exactly what you want to do with that gorgeous body of yours.

Through undieting, I'd love to help you tune back into your body and help you re-learn its language. Experiencing this body reconnection gets you off of the dieting wagon forever and you'll be able to hear your inner "hell no!" loud and clear.

You'll develop a new relationship with food. Chocolate, chips, and other favourites can live in your house without calling your name all day long. You'll be friends with your beautiful body again, just like you were as a kid.

It's a beautiful way of life ❤️

xo Lisa