lisa kilgour

Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants

Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants

“Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants” ~ Michael Pollan (from In Defense of Food, An Eater's Manifesto). This is really it; this is what we need to follow. Eat food, not too much, mostly plants. But…then why is it so hard?

1200-Cal is a Starvation Diet

1200-Cal is a Starvation Diet

Tell me, what’s your relationship with 1200-calorie diets? Does this seem reasonable to you? Or too abstract to visualize? Have you tried it in the past? How did you feel?

Intermittent Fasting - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Intermittent Fasting - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I’ve been very hesitant to weigh in on Intermittent Fasting. I’m asked about it a lot and I always want to be honest with you. Yes. There’s some research on IF that looks promising. And…there are many, many gaps.

Lose weight...without counting or deprivation

Lose weight...without counting or deprivation

The scale has tipped over that number that, in your mind, you’ve connected to “danger, danger!”. The question is - now what? The trouble is what we’ve been “trained” to do through our dieting culture usually only makes matters worse, not better.

What is Undieting?

What is Undieting?

I’ve spent the last 10+ years trying to pull the controlling threads of the dieting culture out of the minds of amazing, beautiful-exactly-as-they-are people. Because, real wellness doesn’t involve fear, control, manipulation, or a restrictive diet.

Should I boost my immune system?

Should I boost my immune system?

The short answer is – NO. There’s a better way to support your immune system <3. “How to boost your immune system” is probably the most popular blog post, article, webinar, and podcast right now…but, you won’t hear it from me because it’s wrong.

Weight Loss During Perimenopause

Weight Loss During Perimenopause

Why is it so darn hard to lose weight after 40??? WHY WHY WHY? In a nutshell, it’s frequently due to our delicate balance of hormones and our body’s ability to detoxify. Let’s dive into this, shall we?

The best way to secure a new healthy habit…and it’s not what you think

The best way to secure a new healthy habit…and it’s not what you think

I've got a story to tell you,, a story about how to cement new changes. It’s a story about how I messed up...but in a very good way <3. This month in Your Beautiful Life, we’re all doing a Real Life Healthy Eating challenge, and it’s been pretty fun so far.