whole food

Be Rebellious, Choose Whole Food

Be Rebellious, Choose Whole Food

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “what should my macros be?”. Or a variation of that, like “how much protein should I eat?”, or “can I eat carbs?”. Today, I want to tell you why you can ignore macros completely.

The best way to secure a new healthy habit…and it’s not what you think

The best way to secure a new healthy habit…and it’s not what you think

I've got a story to tell you,, a story about how to cement new changes. It’s a story about how I messed up...but in a very good way <3. This month in Your Beautiful Life, we’re all doing a Real Life Healthy Eating challenge, and it’s been pretty fun so far.

8 Ways to Eat Healthy on the Cheap

8 Ways to Eat Healthy on the Cheap

Just visit your local health food store and the prospect of eating healthier may seem way, way, WAY out of your budget.

And, it can be. If you trade your favourite packaged foods for healthier versions you could see your grocery budget go up by at least a 1/3 (it might even double).

Top 4 Foods to Remove From Your Diet Today

Top 4 Foods to Remove From Your Diet Today

"Once I've added some nice, beautiful, healthy whole foods into my diet, which foods should I squish out first?". This is a good question, so here are my recommendations:

What is good health?

What is good health?

Or, better yet, what is healing?

I think we each define health differently, and to be honest, I don’t really care what the technical definition is. What matters most to me is, what is your definition of health.

The Truth Behind Cravings

The Truth Behind Cravings

Cravings. Oh, cravings. Wouldn’t life be easier without those pesky cravings? We all could be eating “perfectly” if we didn’t dream about chocolate or potato chips all of the time. (And for the record, a “perfect diet” simply doesn’t exist, so we can stop striving for it :)

Auto-immune - it's a matter of balance

Auto-immune - it's a matter of balance

It’s a bit scary that auto-immune disease is on the rise. Conditions like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, and MS are rising year after year. And sadly, our understanding of what’s causing them isn’t growing quite as rapidly.