Unlock the Power of Fermented Foods!

Unlock the Power of Fermented Foods!

Gas, bloating, food allergies…why are so many of us dealing with digestive issues today? Why are the rates of seasonal and food allergies increasing in children? Could it be the amount of processed food in our diet? GMO foods? Antibiotics? I think there are many causes and we can’t point our finger at only one…

Food and Healing, During and After Cancer Treatment

Food and Healing, During and After Cancer Treatment

Knowing what you “should” be eating can feel like a challenge on an average day, but after a diagnosis of cancer (or, in fact, any chronic illness), this challenge can seem overwhelming. Conflicting messages regarding which food is “good” and which food is “bad” abound. It’s really important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture when it comes to diet, particularly during cancer treatment or recovery. Just eat food...

Lessons from the Mediterranean

Lessons from the Mediterranean

Maybe it's because I live in the Okanagan Valley with its lovely Tuscan feel. Or maybe it's because I love whole, healthy, yet simple food. Whatever it is, I love mediterranean cooking.