Initial “Dive into HeaLth” consultation (60 - 90 min) – $225
Get to the root of your body’s woes – in this session we will discuss in depth any issues relating to your health. This is where the fun begins :).
We start with a full evaluation of all of your health goals, your health concerns, symptoms, and stumbling blocks. We start exactly where you are right now and we will work within your day-to-day lifestyle.
We end the session by discussing my recommendations and I will give you written directions to get you started*. You are welcome to send me all of your questions and concerns by email between sessions.
This is perfect for those who:
have general wellness or nutrition concerns (you want to make sure you're on the right track)
are unsure what's going on, but something needs to change
have new food allergies or diet concerns and need some guidance
have just started a new exercise plan
want a personalized action plan to get to your health goals
just want to get started! :)
Please fill out the Lifestyle Assessment Form and bring it to your first appointment.
*written instructions will be sent by email following your appointment.
Online appointments only
Whole Health Package – $495
This package includes the 90-minute “Dive into Health” consultation and FOUR 30-minute follow up appointments. This is the best way to make lasting changes and understand how to feed your unique self.
We work together, step-by-step, to make sure these changes stick. You also have full access to me via email if you have questions between appointments.
This package is perfect for:
chronic digestive issues
adrenal fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, or just plain ol' stressed out
those looking for long-term health and/or lifestyle changes
anyone who would like help and accountability to make lasting lifestyle changes
There is no expiry date for these appointments, and most appointments are scheduled 4 - 8 weeks apart so you have time to work on each step.
online Appointments only
Follow up appointment - $145/hour or $80/30 mins
Not sure how many appointments you’ll need to reach your health goals? No problem! After your “Dive into Health” session, book single 60-minute appointments as you go. We can create exactly the program you need!
In each follow-up session, we will discuss how you're doing overall, your symptoms, and how you're feeling throughout this process. You will always leave with written instructions with your next steps.
Online appointments only
Would you like some extra support?
Your Beautiful Life is a community site full of wonderful people all looking to create a healthier and more vibrant life. It’s real life healthy living, made easy :).
It includes 100s of recipes, masterclasses, mindfulness tools, and a Private Facebook Group where you can have all of your questions answered. It has all of the tools you’ll need to create Your Beautiful Life.
AND! You’ll receive a discounted rate on your one-on-one appointment (more than 15% off!)
** Please check with your insurance provider for "Nutritionist" coverage **
Cancellation Policy - please give me at least 24-hours notice anytime you need to change or cancel your appointment. Any appointments cancelled with less than 24-hours will be charged unless I can fill your spot. If sick - don't worry, just call me as soon as possible and let me know, and stay home to rest and recover :)
Residents of Alberta – Due to the recent legislative changes to the Alberta Health Professions Act, reserving the title "nutritionist" for the exclusive use by members of the College of Dieticians of Alberta, I am no longer able to work as a "nutritionist" with clients who reside in the province of Alberta. Please contact me if you’d like a referral to a Holistic Nutritional Consultant living in Alberta that can help you with your health concerns. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Are there any refunds? My goal is to help you feel better! I will be there for you and give you the support you need. Appointment packages have no expiry date, but there are no refunds at Lisa Kilgour, Nutritionist. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions before you book your appointment.