We all kinda want to find the Fountain of Youth, don’t we? The ability to turn back the hands of time and take 5, 10, or maybe 20 years off of our skin.
Have you been feeling a little less like yourself lately? Have you been struggling with your enormous to-do list? Or fighting to keep all of those balls you’re juggling in the air?
The truth is, it's not that you don't have enough willpower. And it's not that you're weak and easily tempted. It's absolutely okay to have those foods in your life here and there.
Healthy eating doesn’t suddenly happen overnight.You won’t wake up one morning with new food in your cupboards, totally new taste buds, and spectacular cooking skills. All of those blogs and experts who have told you it can happen overnight were exaggerating…more than a tad.
Many of you want clear direction, you want to know exactly what to eat and when. You want a plan. You’d like me to tell you what to eat so you can feel confident that you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet. I get it, that’s a very reasonable request.
Just visit your local health food store and the prospect of eating healthier may seem way, way, WAY out of your budget.
And, it can be. If you trade your favourite packaged foods for healthier versions you could see your grocery budget go up by at least a 1/3 (it might even double).
When you’re dealing with a lot of stress in your life, the last thing you need to hear is “just stop being stressed! It’s bad for your health!”.But we rarely get practical advice on how to actually help our bodies while we’re under stress.