
The Evening Craving Monster

The Evening Craving Monster

Evening cravings feel SOOOOO emotional! Don’t they? It’s like the evening craving monster stays quiet all day long, carefully watching what you’re eating, taking note if it’s been a “good” day or not. …and then, once you sit down on the couch to relax, it starts making its demands.

5 Healthy Eating Nudges

5 Healthy Eating Nudges

Can’t healthy eating just be easy? Could it please be as easy as stopping off at my favourite fast food spot on my way home from work? 

This is a common theme I hear and see all over social media…why is healthy eating so hard? Well…because we’ve decided that it’s hard.

I'm Eating Healthy...So Why Don't I Feel Great?

I'm Eating Healthy...So Why Don't I Feel Great?

You’ve exchanged your caramel macchiato and chocolate chip cookie for a matcha tea and an apple. You’re doing everything “right” and you’re eating so many veggies you feel almost rabbit-like. So…why don’t you feel great?

A Real-Life Healthy Eating Shopping Guide

A Real-Life Healthy Eating Shopping Guide

Healthy eating doesn’t suddenly happen overnight.You won’t wake up one morning with new food in your cupboards, totally new taste buds, and spectacular cooking skills. All of those blogs and experts who have told you it can happen overnight were exaggerating…more than a tad.