Lisa Kilgour, Nutritionist

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5 Easy Ways to Relax During Stressful Times

We’re all going through a collective time of stress.

With the news changing every minute and the worry over our health and the health of our family & friends, life can feel overwhelming right now.

While relaxing and a bit of self-care might be the furthest thing from our mind, it can also be very beneficial for our wellbeing and our immune system. The key is - EASY. Let’s not add any more stress or strain to our lives today! <3

Here are a few easy ways to calm your nerves and find a bit of relaxation during this stressful time <3

1. A good belly laugh -

You're either stressed OR you're laughing! A funny movie or TV show, a funny book, or anything that makes you laugh is very good medicine today <3 

2. Nature -

If you can get out into nature while abiding by the social distancing request, do it! Spending time with trees reduces blood pressure, cortisol, and puts the body in relaxation mode. If you can't get into nature, step outside barefoot and touch the ground. This method of "grounding" may have similar effects on the body...and it just feels so darn good. If you live in a condo or apartment, try to get the sunshine on your skin for a few mins, your body loves that <3 

3. A hot bath with epsom salts -

A hot bath is so soothing and relaxing and adding epsom salts adds the soothing mineral magnesium into your bathwater. Epsom salt baths can quickly soothe tension and relax your muscles. As a bonus, add some lavender essential oils to put your body in a deeply relaxed state. <3

4. A relaxing mug of tea -

Peppermint, chamomile, passionflower, and green tea are all wonderfully relaxing teas. Enjoy a mug and bliss out for a bit <3 

5. Music and/or dance -

Is there a better way to pass the time than by listening to your favourite music and dancing around your livingroom? I can't think of one! Dancing helps move your lymph system (which helps your immune system), and it raises your endorphins (happy hormones) <3 

What are your favourite ways to relax? Share them in the comments below! <3