
Why I Don't Create Meal Plans. Ever.

Why I Don't Create Meal Plans. Ever.

Many of you want clear direction, you want to know exactly what to eat and when. You want a plan. You’d like me to tell you what to eat so you can feel confident that you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet. I get it, that’s a very reasonable request.

8 Ways to Eat Healthy on the Cheap

8 Ways to Eat Healthy on the Cheap

Just visit your local health food store and the prospect of eating healthier may seem way, way, WAY out of your budget.

And, it can be. If you trade your favourite packaged foods for healthier versions you could see your grocery budget go up by at least a 1/3 (it might even double).

5 Tips to Survive the December Holiday Season

5 Tips to Survive the December Holiday Season

Are you at that point yet? Running on fumes and too exhausted to enjoy any of the parties you were looking forward to? Or, are you counting down the days until all of your commitments are done and you can actually relax?

‘Tis the season to be merry…and stressed out and exhausted.

RECIPE - Delish Beef Stew (slow cooker friendly)

 RECIPE - Delish Beef Stew (slow cooker friendly)

I'm a kinda fly-by-the-seat of my pants kind of cook. Sometimes that works out well...sometimes it really doesn't. My attempt at a beef stew last weekend worked out amazingly well. It was one of those cooking experiments that just works...and I want to share it with you.

Top 4 Foods to Remove From Your Diet Today

Top 4 Foods to Remove From Your Diet Today

"Once I've added some nice, beautiful, healthy whole foods into my diet, which foods should I squish out first?". This is a good question, so here are my recommendations: