5 reasons we crave SUGAR

5 reasons we crave SUGAR

One of the most popular questions I get is; “Could I be addicted to sugar? I feel like I can’t stop eating it”.

I love sugar too. I love the taste of sweet foods; that warm, lovely, comforting feeling of biting into something sweet.

What is good health?

What is good health?

Or, better yet, what is healing?

I think we each define health differently, and to be honest, I don’t really care what the technical definition is. What matters most to me is, what is your definition of health.

The Truth Behind Cravings

The Truth Behind Cravings

Cravings. Oh, cravings. Wouldn’t life be easier without those pesky cravings? We all could be eating “perfectly” if we didn’t dream about chocolate or potato chips all of the time. (And for the record, a “perfect diet” simply doesn’t exist, so we can stop striving for it :)

When it’s more than just tummy troubles

When it’s more than just tummy troubles

Indigestion always sounds like such a mild word. “It’s JUST indigestion”. But those of you who are suffering from big digestive issues know it can be more than just a bit of embarrassing gas or irregularity. Symptoms can take over your life.

The terrible "Angry-Hungries"

The terrible "Angry-Hungries"

Do you ever feel your personality changes when you’re hungry? Does your patience, kindness, and empathy go out the window and are replaced with frustration, anger, and the urge strangle someone? And you need to eat NOW. Not in an hour, or even 5 minutes. NOW.